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[The 3 Ps that God Shall Restore. I Shall Renew. We Shall Revive.]
Therefore, I Shall Be Watchful and Wordful, Prayerful and Jesus' Name!
Let Each Christian Make a New Year Resolution No. 1 (Seeking First the Kingdom…Matthew 6:33) Through -
Seeking to be Watchful and Wordful, Prayerful and Powerful, as the Image of Christ on Earth (Imago Dei)! [Acts 1:1; Genesis 1:27].
Secondly, Doing the things that Jesus did: going about (our evil and pandemic world doing good, and healing all oppressed by the devil,
for God is with us (Acts 10:38), and nothing shall by any means hurt us! (Luke 10:19; Joel 2:8).
[Dr. Paul E. Momoh, For: The Vision Council, FReN International Presbytery]
Godly Wisdom in Asking, Seeking & Knocking
with Dr Paul E Momoh
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BiMAL is a non-denominational Institute that focuses on The Holy Spirit & The Holy Scripture. Faith Seeking understanding. It consists of Curriculum & Course Units Development, Biblical Research & Kingdom Development, International College Of Overseers & Bishops, ICOOB, Australian School Of Ministries, AUSOM, African School Of Ministries, AFRISOM and College of Governance & Business Ministries, CGBM.
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